Objective Political Science for Competitive Exams (6600+)

The Book contains 6600+ useful MCQs collected from various exams of all the states of India, specially state PSC exams. It covers syllabuses of State PSC exams of almost all the states of India. The content of the book is divided into four parts as under:

PART I: Introduction, Meaning of Politics, Key Concept, The State, Sovereignty of State, Origin of State, Marxian Theory of Origin o, Nature Theories and State Function, Nationalism and Internationalism, Political Ideology, The Rights, Property, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Liberalism, Fascism, Western Political Thoughts, Aristotle, PLATO, Democracy, Electorate and Representation, Public Opinion, Freedom of Speech and Press Role, Political Parties and Pressure Group, Social Movements, Evolutionary Socialism, Marxian Socialism, Bureaucracy, Forms of Government, Constitution and Constitutional Government, Parliamentary and Presidential Systems, State of Local Government, Cabinet Government, Constitutional Development and National Movement in Subcontinent, Development and Under Development Theories, USA Federalism.

PART II: International Law, International Relations and World Organizations, United Nations and its Organs (Q & A).

PART III: U. K. Constitution, U. S. A. Constitution.

PART IV: Indian Polity.


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